Tat Soi & The Sun Post News


Last Sunday, I walked home from the San Clemente farmers’ market feeling a bit like a hog. I had spotted six little bundles of tat soi — what I thought was bok choi — sitting atop the arugula at the Peterson Specialty Produce stand, and I purchased them all.

Ingreadient :
    • 5 bundles tat soi (there are three tat soi per bundle)
    • 1½ tablespoons olive oil
    • 2 cloved garlic, minced
    • crushed red pepper flakes to taste
    • kosher salt to taste
Direction :
    1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
    2. Unwrap the bundles of tat soi and place in a large bowl filled with cold water. This will allow any dirt to fall to the bottom of the bowl.
    3. Meanwhile, place the olive oil and garlic in a large nonstick sauté pan. Turn the heat to medium. When the garlic begins to sizzle, turn the heat to low and let cook, watching closely to be sure the garlic does not brown. After 2 or 3 minutes add crushed red pepper flakes to taste and turn off the heat.
    4. When the water boils, add the tat soi. Let cook for 10 to 30 seconds max. Drain and rinse under cold water.
    5. Turn the heat under the frying pan to medium high. When the garlic and pepper flakes begin to sizzle, add the tat soi. Season with kosher salt to taste. Shake the pan or turn the tat soi with tongs to coat it in the olive oil-garlic mixture. Serve immediately.